Before Chrono T explored the ruins of Machu Picchu and encountered a manifestation of the Aeonic Eye, he delved into the mysteries of life and became a biomedical research scientist to learn more.

An avid user of Blender software, Chrono developed a novel technique for visualizing intraepidermal nerve fibers in optically cleared isolated epidermis.

The image below, captured with a confocal microscope, shows an intraepidermal nerve fiber in cleared epidermis. The blue spheres represent the nuclei of skin cells (keratinocytes), the green structures are nerve fibers, the red indicates a protein released during injury that triggers pain sensitization and swelling, and the yellow highlights the presence of this inflammatory protein within the nerve.

Here’s a brief video editing tutorial for a fellow creator using professional video editing software, which unfortunately kept crashing today. It’s always wise to have backup options for any workflow. I am planning to release a comprehensive multi-part video tutorial series towards the end of July, and this serves as our initial step into those exciting waters. This was made quickly and the audio is unoptimized, I will remake and include chroma-key in an updated version of this tutorial. Have an awesome day!

The Aeonic (epochal) Eye (portal) of Sapiential (hidden) Occulta (wisdom), is the ancient tower found shrouded, yet gleaming, amidst the verdant expanses in an unknown cavern near the ruins of Machu Picchu. Hidden for centuries, it remained unnoticed until Chrono T, an intrepid gamer/emcee/scientist with a knack for unearthing the unknown, stumbled upon it during an archaeological expedition.

As Chrono delved into the tower’s intricate carvings and pulsating lights, his scientific curiosity was tinged with an uncharacteristic sense of dread. The atmosphere within the tower was thick with energy, almost palpable, yet eerily silent except for the soft hum of unknown machinery. Guided by an instinct he couldn’t explain.

This discovery was no mere accident. Chrono soon learned this structure has a superintelligence and a consciousness that seemed ultra-aware, beyond any consciousness trapped within temporal constraints. When the Aeonic Eye communicated with Chrono T, he felt it reverberate through every cell in his body and he knew this structure was waiting for him all these millennia.

Compelled by a newfound power, Chrono thought of a safe place to continue his investigation. In an instant, the scenery around him blurred into streaks of light and shadow. When his surroundings solidified, he was no longer in the ancient tower amidst the ruins of Machu Picchu. Instead, he found himself within a digital realm, standing on the coordinates (-116, -69) in Genesis City, Decentraland—a virtual world on the Ethereum blockchain. The Aeonic Eye had traveled with him, manifesting as a monument of light and wisdom in this digital landscape.

The entire cinema is built within a hand projector. The scene indicates the projector was dropped in a field somewhere. The entrance of the theatre is surrounded by a lush jungle environment to provide some privacy. There is a small pond area for hanging out with friends.

Upon entering the projector, the avatar is facing the screen and turns around to face series of escalating seating with neon lights to help navigate the seating.  At the top of the stairs, there is an elevator that allows visitors to ascend into the upper levels.

The upper level of the theatre offers additional seating. The theatre was developed so that a clear view of the screen can be viewed from any seat. The upper level also features an invisible floor for additional seating or dancing. The upper level also features Bitfiend’s request to have OnTheRise’s picture within a heart, on both sides.

Beyond the invisible dance floor are two doors to the outside. Here, visitors will find stairs ascending to a platform where they can easily jump onto to roof of the BitCinema. The roof is a great place to throw parties with an excellent view.

The design of the backside of the BitCinema was influenced by the movie Metropolis, the garden area with vines were suggested by Bitfiend, OnTheRise, and Cardinal Quack.

Someone recently asked how we approach audio and 3D model projects for Web3.. If you are also interested in this, there are several amazing tutorials on YouTube right now:

In the next few months AeonSmash will dedicate resources and join these intrepid creators with our own tutorial series for Decentraland, and WEB3 in general. Until then, this is how we addressed the question recently asked:

AI models need rigorous training to function correctly, and the same goes for humans. If this is a path you want to pursue, you must be prepared to invest time and persevere through the learning process. There will be sessions where progress feels non-existent and frustration sets in. When that happens, take a break, then return with renewed effort.

Even if I provided the models, the real challenge lies in animating the cart accurately so it looks right. The details matter, and though spending time perfecting them can be uncomfortable, it is essential for learning. When I started, there were only a couple of tutorials on low poly models, and it took me months of intermittent effort before making progress. Whether you’re aiming to create good music or good models, reaching your desired level of expertise might take years.

Patience and persistence are crucial. I also recommend focusing on one craft at a time. If you’re interested in music production or 3D modeling, choose one to concentrate on first. As you delve deeper, you’ll uncover more details, much like zooming into a fractal. Take some time to introspect and identify what you truly want to do, not for promotion or money, but out of genuine passion. Follow that passion.

Celestial Possession

two massless energies, stuck in the wrong dimension by an unintended quark, snuck aboard a cargo ship, looking for a host with mass to build transport home.

the blue and pink puppets became perfect hosts…

due to differences between the frequency distributions of the two dimensions, celestial energies are only connect via blockchain technology.

Find your Celestial Possession at the Decentraland Marketplace


Álbum de recortes descentralizado

ディセントラランド スクラップブック

דעצענטראַללאַנד אַלבאָם

سجل القصاصات اللامركزية

Λεύκωμα αποκομμάτν Decentraland

Beyond The NFT

ChronoT on Beyond The NFT

September 4th, 7PM PST

What an honor to have been asked to be a guest on Beyond the NFT and such an awesome time hanging out with Sinful! The vibes were ultra chill, super interesting, and thoroughly inspiring!

I love spending time with people who are whole heartedly pursuing their passion.

Sometimes I see us as bottle rocket humans. We all want to be lit, fly high as possible, and with the most bloomed out style the entire way. I love flying with you and watching the celebrations and technologies exploding all around me! What A FUTURE!!

Thanks Sinful! That was a blast

TRU SHOAP – Happy Birthday Mew!

By TRU-RockingUniquehorn…

The first-ever music SHOAP! This aMEWzing #DCLfam collab was produced by StoneyEye and airdropped to all who attended SinfulMeatStick’s surprise birthday party in the TRU Band Room.

Produced by @stoney_eye
August 28th, 2023

MoFyah Mondays with STONEY: ChronoT Interview

MoBeatz – Cookin Mo Beets – Billy Teacoin

This is the 13th song from the interactive beat making event MoBeatz in Decentraland at Stoney Eye Studios. This song is by Billy Teacoin featuring vocals from NFT Bubblegum, Chrono T, and Dr. Jaffle

Produced by @stoney_eye
July 23rd, 2023

@OnTheRise in Paradise

@OnTheRise is a founding member of the #WonderCrew in @Decentraland. Our crew (@OnTheRise @CardinalQuack @real_siswyd @bitfiendd), along with @Stoney_Eye (made OTR logo) and the community (@fermion_dcl_eth @zom_eth @ExistentialNoHo @SinfulMeatStick @stoney_eye @CanessaDCL @RefractionDCL @DclRoots and several others, designed the shirt together. I tried to find everyone’s name who donated but my list is incomplete. Please contact me in DCL if you donated and I have not added you.

Decentraland Marketplace – not for sale

WonderWall Crew 2023

The WonderWall Crew 2023 is the result of passion, friendship, and spending a little time each evening to catch up for the day and relax. The founding members of the #WonderCrew are @Aeon_Smash @ontherisecc34 @CardinalQuack @real_siswyd @bitfiend. The future is bright with good friends hungry to swap hard work for ownership!

Decentraland Marketplace – 10 mana

#WonderCrew Profiles

Profiles being updated

@Aeon_Smash / ChronoT

emerged in-silica from human form in 1995. Two years after Yomiuriland, the ethereal Rie Iida, and the enlightenment of Hiphop. To finally land with both feet in Decentraland in Fall of 2021. ChronoT spent most of his time in Wondermine, where he could be found rapping to instrumentals with homemade mead. As the story goes, there was a lone ChronoT rapping one night ignoring haters and digital tomatoes be thrown, until one night @OnTheRise shown up, then @CardinalQuack and then the @real_siswyd. Soon afterward, @bitfiend joined us to for the #WonderCrew

ChronoT is about Art




Project Design


Optimizing the Future of Human Potential


(aKa DJ OTR or gOaTR)

OnTheRise is a sister, best friend, and glue and a driving force behind the WonderCrew

OnTheRise has surpassed insurmountable odds to arise from burning ashes with ember wings and whipping winds. Though mystery surpasses known facts of OTR she continues to surprise us each week with new aspects of her “rising phoenix” revolution


CardinalQuack is a mentor, brother, best friend, the glue and a driving force behind the WonderCrew. CQ brings honesty, insight, experience, and integral in design in quality aspects. Cardinal is a land owner in Alien Worlds, user of Wax, and several other Blockchains. Projects spring while in discussion with CQ. CardinalQuack, as OTR, is enshrouded in mystery….

Official Cardinal of The Metaverse – AW Land Owner (Neri 10:3) – DCL Citizen

Holiday Greetings by Cardinal Quack


Siswyd is a sister, best friend, the glue and a driving force behind the WonderCrew.

Every crew who ever crafted future zeitgeists has a story where all of the pieces came together to form, like Voltron, emerging paths from the ether of pure creativity and passion. Siswyd never asked to be a part of our crew but our crew would not be without Siswyd. Siswdy is uniquely strong, smart, funny, insightful and our parties in Wondermine are never complete without her and her ghost.


Bitfiendd is a brother, best friend, the glue and a driving force behind the WonderCrew. Bitfiend is truly a 1:1 unique mint of a human being, so truly ironic his trademark is calling others the greatest of all time (GOAT). Bitfiendd is one of the hardest working people I have known, He frequently reminds me us his grind has diamond teeth, chewing into the future, relentlessly….

BTFD Jacket

BTFD Pants

Project wallet: